twine.jpg 800x600(54KB) Somethings not rightCan you spot the difference in this picture? hehe
what do you think your doing.JPG 640x480(87KB) Oh funny faces!They walk in on Tamaki blind folding Haruhi. She also has earplugs in and they think he's into sm but he's really just trying to make her forget about the thunderstorm. Poor Tamaki he tries to do something could and gets treated like a pervert for it!
34.jpg 1570x2083(2232KB) HaruThis is one of my favorite characters... Haru!!!
He is a fallen angel, and is probably the sweetest, most beautiful guys you will NEVER meet!!! He's more of a pretty boy when he's older, though. He's only 8 in this picture.
akatsukiforyou.jpg 597x1758(188KB) What the akatsuki can do for you?hm..I'd use sasori or deidara :]
akatsukiforyou~0.jpg 597x1758(188KB) What the akatsuki can do for you?hm..I'd use sasori or deidara :]
Hyuuga_Sakura.jpg 490x375(39KB) meeeeeeeeee!me made by teh greatest most exacellante person Pheonix Xv the one and onlyah!
nothing special.jpg 300x502(21KB) the originalthis is what the pic looked like befor I messed with it
say what kyuubi.JPG 865x605(66KB) say what?!kyuubi when sundance left american idol instead of sanjaya. XD
16.jpg 550x411(62KB) OMG! XDis it me, or does this look WRONG
What.jpg 491x479(36KB) what..?One of my favorites that I've drawn. ^^;; But if you guys are going to take these, please give me credit. Or else imma put copywrite on it. RAWR!
STABO041.jpg 400x255(27KB) Super TabooFrom the Hentai Comic Super Taboo XD
nara and felina Say What.PNG 962x400(159KB) Nara: ...Say... Felina:...What... Nara and Felina:...?...i was bored and yes this was extremley easy to edit just the hair and eyes yeah the anime is called Azumanga please rate and comment
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