219.jpg 300x400(24KB) Sasuke & gi-normous Shuriken
258.jpg 640x480(40KB) Sasuke & Sakura (A.K.A - very annoying forehead girl)
009.jpg 1024x768(380KB) Naruto: Sasuke
Naiomi Sasuke V-day.png 300x352(209KB) for no reasonand rpc named hinoiri (sunset) and sasuke i give credit to whoever drew this pic origanaly
Blonde Sharingan Ninja.jpg 500x382(161KB) kaen (blaze)random rpc male with random ppl in the background...you have to admit this is pretty suckish
gangsta.JPG 1536x2048(222KB) gangsta.so fucking hardcore.
chav3.jpg 538x717(38KB) chavette.am i bothered?
*the tags are there to draw much loved attention*
sasuke kun.jpg 490x495(25KB) Sasuke-kun! ^^I drew this and I think it came out pretty well.....
BTW - Just for future reference....I coloured the girl that way of purpose! My friend is in LOVE with Sasuke and that's suppose to be her and Sasuke! And...I was getting pissed seeing Sakura hugging, chasing, and staring at Sasuke everywhere he went!
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