1~1.jpg 288x360(20KB) "I am the Goddess of the Darkness"I love the way her eyes are,
watching you as if spying you, not trusing you,
I love the way her blood flows,
as if loving your taste waiting for your bite...
Chibi_6.JPG 640x480(26KB) Fired Up ChibiChibi charging up for battle.
Knowledge.JPG 466x181(12KB) "Knowledge is Power"This is from a quote I found on thinkexist.com. The picture is from http://www-ucsee.eecs.berkeley.edu/~rk/GW.html.
64338.jpg 640x480(79KB) Power Puff GirlsPower Puff Girls
boyfighter0002.jpg 400x546(200KB) SSJ2 Gohanthis is my first drawing i used my new color pencils on. kind of missed some spots but i was pleased by how the colors came out since i didn't really take my time coloring it.
NinjaGirl17-Ayami.jpg 528x421(23KB) Ninja Girl #17 - Ayami (Power Stones)The Power Stones anime is a cute little show. Ayami is quite a persistent ninja brat. I found this pic at http://www.bcantin.com/index.html
04.jpg 375x591(34KB) fruba power!umm yeah...i had some coffee.... im hyper
1076284304_csnejijiji.jpg 386x395(32KB) Neji jijiOkay, im sorry I have not updated in a while I've been busy with school and junk.
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