Naruto Girls.jpg 600x480(120KB) Femme Fatales!Aloe: O.K....One...Two...Three...
Ino: No Wait Wait! The Wind's Blowin My Hair....Ok..Ok There I'm Ready...
Aloe: uh-huh...One...Two...Th--
Sakura: Waah! My head Protectors Fallin Down!....OK..And...Ready
Aloe: AL...RIGHT...One...Two..Th--
Temari: Wait Wait!
Aloe: What Is It Now?!?!
Temari: Stupid! The Lens' Cap is Still On!
Aloe: Oh...Whoops!...Ok One...Two...Three!!!
XD Finally XD
11.jpg 390x263(118KB) Chouji, Shikamaru, Ino
37.jpg 393x266(127KB) Thanks for ruining the moment.
38~0.jpg 388x266(129KB) Huh?Shikamaru: What's going on? O_o
Sasuke: *hugs Chouji*
Chouju: *is a fish*
39.jpg 391x264(128KB) Huh? version 2
N_Freak....jpg 720x540(50KB) Sasuke's StareThe *skeptical* look...stupid Ino-inu lol
Troublemsome Women.jpg 300x227(16KB) Shikamarus TroublesI can't decide which of the two pairings I like better. Probably ShikaTema.
ACK! I'm sorry! Its just an opion, just a little opinion *flees ShikaIno fans with pitchforks and torches* RUN AWAY XD
N_Captured~0.jpg 598x570(162KB) SakuSasuReactions to if Sasuke and Sakura started dating.
I don't really approve of this pairing, but its a funny pic
Bubbles.jpg 300x440(54KB) BubblesBUBBLES! yay I love bubbles *stare at bubbles* I once ate one, it tasted bad
Gender Lookover.jpg 300x410(28KB) Gender LookoverWhat would happen if Deidara and Ino met?!?!? Ino would probably sue Deidara for stealing her look, or somethin'
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