sweetguy.jpg 800x600(164KB) cuteI saw this at another website once and thought it was just so cute. So here it is.
picy2.jpg 412x576(68KB) rpg characterHis name is really not Tsuki. I don't know what his name is. Bu that was the name I gave him for an rpg character.
Cerus2.jpg 575x822(94KB) Goth looking rpg character (Former)From my vampire character days.
demon23.jpg 792x582(48KB) Former rpg character (2)Again from my vampire character days.
myvamp.jpg 343x480(20KB) Currently being usedAre those muscles real?
hmph.png 655x480(129KB) Hmph.
(C) dragonspirt / Devonna G
Rest in peace ♥