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Search results - "Taco"


Tacothis is Taco isn't he cute ^_^ this is the puppy o fthe group

A Most Evil Villain Arrives!!Fresh from his takeover of the youth and good looks of the North American Wockspotter, Konoha is in danger as the horrible, evil villain Fleque sets his sight on the complete and total takeover of Konoha and the surrounding villages, even the mall and the Taco Bell where only seven of the ninjas like to eat, since most of them prefer the Taco Wacko closer to the library. Not the one on the same side of the street as the post office, but the one closer to the coffee shop where they sell those mini biscotti that everyone raves about and eats, but no one really likes the cardboard taste -they just eat them because they want to seem all sophisticated and European. THAT Taco Wacko. Anyway, Fleque is the most dreaded of all -he is a Life Insurance Salesman!!!!!! DAH DAH DAH!!!
GMS 7 return.JPG

GMS 7 return.JPG
In the Nick of TimeThe three legendary magical immortal super powerful sannin arrive back in Konoha and see it laid to waste. And on fire. With smoke. Even the Taco Wacko - not the one near the post office, but the one near City Hall that�s on the same side of the street as the bookstore where you can get the more interesting magazines - not the bookstore with the generic celebrity magazines, but the one with the cool stuff about art and sports�next to the small School of Art and Design - you know, the one started by that lady who�s husband died in the third ninja war and then she opened the school by that Taco Wacko. But First�..
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