Ayako.JPG 235x259(7KB) AyakoA little girl about 10 who has a mad crush on Kai's little brother riku pissed me off so much when he died how could you kill the little kid!
Ayako3.JPG 700x473(31KB) Happy Ayako!she's happy because kai set her and riku for a Play date ^_^ so so kawai!
Ayami.JPG 315x601(21KB) AyamiAyami is Ayako's Older sister she is kinda like the schiff but it's no tlike she can't be in sunlight all together like them she just need to carry an umbrella with her everywhere
~nani.JPG 567x545(27KB) NaniThis Is Nani the new worker at Red shield yeah iknow she's an edit of Kagura fron AD as i call the show but hey most of my blood plus rpcs are
Data and Jiro.JPG 640x477(29KB) Data and JiroData the Third Sister and the youngest on ou tof Saya and Diva. Jiro is her Chevalier
Sooooooo HOT!.JPG 640x480(26KB) Yes you may faint nowlol jk this is Sang He's a Chevalier but he doesn't remeber who it was that turned in into one so he needs a owner. eeeeeeeek! i love the way he came out! By the way Sang means Blood In french! rate and coment nicely ^_~
~Tomo.JPG 640x480(27KB) Tomo Ayami and Ayako's brotherHe is 14 years old and his best friend was riku
lol.PNG 640x472(408KB) soleil and Sangsoleil is human he is Sang's best friend he is quick to anger and is very hotheaded, he is also a big flirt try mixing roy mustang with miroku and you've got soleil's flirty side lol also soleil mean Sun in french
Ayako vampire form.PNG 720x480(288KB) Ayakolooking out at the world infront of her. determand to fina her sisters and brothers.
Sang smirking.PNG 640x471(183KB) smirkingSang: whats wrong haji? jealous?
Haji:....*glares slightly*
Sang: you know haji you can't have your cake and eat it too
Rika.JPG 198x277(8KB) Rikaa gift for owner-of-the-7deadlysins on quizilla this is her blood+ fanfic girl
data dgfd.JPG 400x300(12KB) thinking of himData sitting on the ship back to japan stairing at the stars. thinkin gof haji. but she knows how he feels about saya.
Data: *sighs* haji *close her eyes* at least i can dream....
data druged.JPG 400x300(16KB) Data was drungedyes that guy in front of her (just a random meaningless guy that works for diva he dies tho so he doesn't matter) druged her so he could nock her out lol she got very loopy to
Data.JPG 400x300(13KB) datajust hangin gout with her big sister saya
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