child hana.JPG 600x400(27KB) Hana and Ino; did this on paintThis is when Ino introduce Hana to her friends
Ino" everyone this is Hana. C mon say hi
Hana" Um..hello everyone"
temari.png 504x204(182KB) Temari-chanTemari from Naruto. In a group on my online friends, we make up the Naruto Group! yay! And I, of course, am Temari.
amu1.JPG 702x530(35KB) Naruto YellingWho could NOT love these expressions? Huge buck teeth and scratchy outlined eyes! ^~^
14~0.JPG 640x480(29KB) Tayuya graspingPraise Allah!
8~0.JPG 640x480(26KB) Tayuya up closeYou have a little something in your eye.. yeah I think you go it!
30~0.JPG 640x480(29KB) Tayuya openingA Flute.. how cool!
(you thought I was gonna say something about bandcamp hah folled you!)
tayuya_9~0.JPG 640x480(29KB) Tayuya headshotWhat the hell is up with that hat?
Why metal bands? why? I meen what perpose do they serv?
tayuya_28.JPG 640x480(24KB) Tayuya's FluteAin't it perty.. wonder if she can play? can be evil and be cool can you?
tayuya_3.JPG 640x480(27KB) Tayuya behindA shot from behind.. what? No dirty or wierd comments this time! Aren't you proud of me?
tayuya_4.JPG 640x480(19KB) Tayuya jumpingSkip skip skip to my lou my darling.
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