Itachi01.jpg 1024x819(211KB) ANBU ITACHIMeh...I don't like Itachi, but I love this wallpaper <<;;
itachi1.jpg 1024x768(280KB) Another Itachi*sigh* Another Itachi wallpaper that I like -_-'' .
kisaaa.PNG 348x337(180KB) Kisa UchihaXD I Had Fun Figuring Out What She Should Wear.... Anywhom,This is When She Was 12,or So... When She Returns to Konoha [Like,5 or 6 years after Itachi Kills the Clan] Shes Like,16 or something.....XD
373899.jpg 300x424(40KB) Sasuke Punk Look!Aloe: Nice Pose Guys...Ok, Now A Chibi Look This Time!
Sasuke: I'm Tired Of This!
Itachi: Don't Be A Baby Sasuke!!
Sasuke: Remind Me Again...Why Are We Doin This?!
Aloe: Takoyaki Sasuke...loads And loads Of Takoyaki!!!
Sasuke: GAH! Ok, Chibi Form Time! Don't Just Sit There Bro. Change!!!
XD F.Y.I You'll get this If You Read The Comic In My ~Kawaii Comics~ Gallery Called 'Sasuke's Ultimate Revenge'....Here's A Link! http://www.animegalleries.net/displayimage.php?pos=-150899
40.jpg 392x262(77KB) Staring down
54.jpg 391x263(77KB) Oww...poor Sasuke, always getting flicked by his big brother.
kawaii_no_jutsu_part_2_by_bishihuntress.jpg 700x989(248KB) KAWAII NO JUTSU!!!!OMG!! This Is Like The Cutest EVER!!!!!!!
Aloe: Waaah! NARUTO! SASUKE KAWAII!! *Hugs Chibi Naruto & Sasuke* Your So Cuuute!
Naruto: (Aloe's Huggin ME!!!)
Sasuke: Aloe *cough* Let Go I'm Ch--Choking!
Aloe: Whoops Sowee! Your Just Too Cu--Uh...Naruto...Let...Let Go..Ow Ow! LET GO!!!
Naruto__The_Reason_by_DarkSahdow.jpg 579x816(132KB) The Reason......Hahahaha!! This Is So True!! Huwahahaha Ha Ha Ha...*cough*cough*....
Sasuke: *Glares At Aloe*...
Aloe:...Wahaat? Your Brother Is Kinda pretty....*Sweat Drop*
*Again No Ideas Are Comin To My Head TT__TT*
Naruto__The_Reason02_by_DarkSahdow.jpg 677x761(104KB) So Why Shouldn't Naruto Characters Use The Net???That's Why...Woohooohoohoo!!! Hahaha! I Let Them use My Computer And I Video Taped The Whole Thing!! It Was Priceless! Their Faces Was Like *_* T_T....Hahaha!! XD
Naruto: ALOE!!!!
Aloe: Yep??
Sasuke: What the heck Is This?!?! Those Are False pictures! I Would Never Ever Sleep With My Brother..And NARUTO?!?! %$#$^#$%^&!@$#!)@...
*Aloe Runs For Dear Life And Sasuke Just Keeps Talkin*
Sasuke: I'd Never In My Whole Life @#$%^@##@*)&^%(( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tsk_tsk_Itachii_by_DarkSahdow.jpg 522x573(161KB) Tsk Tsk Itachi....Hehehehe But Ain't It So Funny?!?!....I Would Just Like To Clarify That I Had Absolutely Nothing To Do With That!...
Itachi: Yeah...Right...
Aloe: Whaat?! It's The Truth >__<
OMG_what_happen_to_sasuke__by_DarkSahdow.jpg 731x671(106KB) OMG! What Happened Here?!?!Aloe: Naruto What Did You Do?!
Naruto: I Didn't Do Anything!!...It Was That friend Of Yours...Harry Whatsitsname...Bladder?
Aloe: Oh So You're The One Who Stole Harry's Shrinkin potion?!
Naruto: *Whistle*Whistle*Whistle*....
Ninja_Skillz_by_Rozefire.jpg 625x880(206KB) Ninja Skillz!Sasuke: What The?!?! Aloe Somethin's Wrong With the Cable.....
Aloe:Waaah?!...*Looks Out The Window*
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