Daniel.JPG 640x479(25KB) Daniel Malfoy-5161 viewsDan is in Gryffindor and is one year older than his sister Lily. He's shy and it's hard for him to open up, so he hides that by dressing tough.
Devon5.JPG 863x362(72KB) Devon Murray-803 viewsI LOOOOOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!
DracoIcons.JPG 703x409(77KB) ~Icons~-2310 viewsa bunch of icons I found on photobucket...
DracoO.JPG 340x240(10KB) Orgasm-2570 viewsI found this on photobucket and I thought it was funny xD
Em.JPG 301x459(20KB) Don't Mess With Me-812 views
Em2.JPG 301x461(20KB) Don't Mess With Me 2-1411 views
Em3.JPG 640x480(23KB) Me Pissed-805 views
Em4.JPG 493x479(20KB) Animagous-1403 views
Emily and Draco.JPG 300x418(24KB) Emily and Draco...-1679 viewsThat's kinda sorta me....but anyway...I'm kinda obbsessed with Harry Potter and Malfoy lol
Emily15.JPG 650x674(66KB) Emily Collins-3157 viewsThis is me in my fifth year. I like the hair...though it's normally wavy.
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