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hey is that the crown that makes gils love you ?
yea it is. that one pig demon thing used it on kagome...miroku wanted to use it on sango. *he used it on me though  *
so you fell in love with the pig. eww
no u moron!!! miroku used it on me!!! *ugh* forget it... maybe ur jus to dumb to get anything...
excuse me but ur both wrong... he used it on me.
pfff...you guys wish...
what episode is this?
Chokukai and the abubcted bride.
XD hi
*Gai stance* Smell the freash air Lee  Lee: ummm....... Gai: YOU SMELL IT OR NOT  ? Lee: yea......*glomps*
I wonder whats gonna happen on Naruto tonight?
( slams myself agaist the wall some how...) I hope I don't miss it
Same hear I'll fill ya in if you do.
No prob,in order too understand the entire story line.You have to keep up with every episode.
I do  my brothers just whatch for the funny stuff  Kagome you got an Request I'll take one *gets notebook*
Yeah boy does it get complicated.
All the jutsu's,and the ninja tools,and all the enemies! Too much stuff!
how do you what it like
I love the show,and I suppose all the jutsu and stuff make it even better!
Did you know in shippuuden 52 Sakura was gonna punch Sasuke with her super strength.
a little but I never whatched shippuuden befor
She was gonna,but was stoped by a jonnin that was with them.I think his name was Yammoto or something.
 coool hey What episode those Pein come in
In shippuuden at shippuuden 4 or 5.I the regular Naruto the final episode of Naruto and Sasuke's fight.
 sweet  oh crud Bye I going to soccer practice now
Kk bye ttyl.
haha most of the comments in this picture seem to naruto related, not i hate naruto. I quite like it actually
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