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Kiddy Grade
Set sometime in the future, where humanity is spread out all over space, Kiddy Grade follows the adventures of two GOTT (Galactic Organization of Trade and Tarrifs) ES Members, Eclair and Lumiere. Tho appearing young, both are at around 300 years of age, and posses some unique abilities. Eclair has the special ability "Power"(strength, speed, some matter manipulation) and Lumiere's is called "Puppet" (control over anything electronic or electric).
As ES (Encounter of Shadow) Members, someitmes the jobs they are given go up against everything they believe in, and its not an easy line to walk. Also there are people working against them, both from within GOTT and from the outside, so will the past that Eclair has tried to hard to forget catch up with her once again?
Other Characters:
Armbrust (German for crossbow) - GU ES Member, mid-twenties, partner and lover of Pfeilspitze. Special ability: "Black Box".
Inspector Armbrust often joins Eclair and Lumiere on their assignments. His briefcase, seems to contain, and is capabale of doing most anything. While he is often overly flirtatious with Eclair, he deeply cares for both of the girls, and has saved their lives on a few occasions.
Eclipse - Executive Chief of the GOTT Head Office, former ES-Member (G Class). Special Ability: "Kvant" (Russian for quantum).
Eclipse is one of the strongest ES members, As with her ability she can jump instantly virtually anywhere, and even heal wounds, both her own, and those of others. As GOTT director, she can be ruthless when needed, and knows how to play the game, and the politics it involves.
Alv (Nordic for Elf) - GOTT ES Member (S Class), 20, partner and daughter of Dvergr. Special ability: "Absorb".
Dvergr (Nordic for Dwarf) - GOTT ES Member (S Class), 19, partner and mother of Alv. Special ability: "Absorb".
Alv & Dvergr are oftentime rivals of Eclair and Lumiere, and seem to despise them, even when working together. Alv seems to be obssesed with getting revenge on the Nobles, no matter who stands in her way, and it often is Eclair.
Tweedledee (From Lewis Carrol's Alice through the Looking Glass) - GOTT ES Member (S Class), 16, partner and twin of Tweedledum. Special ability: "Strom" (German, river), joint ability: "Windsto�" (German, gust of wind).
Tweedledum (From Lewis Carrol's Alice through the Looking Glass) - GOTT ES Member (S Class), 16, partner and twin of Tweedledee. Special ability: "Magnetfeld" (German, magnetic field), joint ability: "Windsto�" (German, gust of wind).
The Tweedles are often friends of Eclair and Lumiere, especialy as Twedledee's ability is very similar to that of Lumiere, and they work well together. However they are loyal to GOTT, and will follow orders, even if it means harming their friends.
Un-ou (Japanese/Sanskrit, one of the two Buddhist Deva Kings) - GOTT ES Member (S Class), 14, partner to A-ou. Special ability: "Amazing".
A-ou (Japanese/Sanskrit, one of the two Buddhist Deva Kings) - GOTT ES Member (S Class), 19, partner to Un-ou. Special ability: "Amplifier".
There is a deep rivalry between A-ou & Un-ou and Eclair & Lumiere. They have fought on opposite sides more often then not, and seem to have an interest in continuing this fight.
Sinistra (Latin for left) - GOTT ES Member (S-Class), 18, partner to Dextra. Special ability: "Whenever".
Dextera (Latin for right) - GOTT ES Member (S-Class), partner to Sinistra. Special ability: "Anyway".
Sinistra and Dextera seem to be two of the more mature ES Members, and are both quite strong and fast. They also have a strong sense of right and wrong.
Viola (From Shakespeare's Twelfth Night) - GOTT ES Member (C Class), 9, partner to Cesario. Special ability: "Calamity".
Cesario (From Shakespeare's Twelfth Night) - GOTT ES Member (C Class), 18, partner to Viola. Special ability: "Driver".
Viola & Cesario are good friends of Eclair & Lumiere, and some of the more interesting ES Members. Viola, talks constantly, while Cesario generaly only whispers to her. They seem to be often arguing about food, and ask all favors done by them to be repaid in the form of a meal (or a million meals).
Chevalier d'Autriche (French name, lit. Knight of Austria) - 56, Secretary General of the GOTT and head of the GU Economic Dept. Adopted son of Eclair.
Chevalier is a member of the Nobles, but he's never forgotten Eclair, and has been working to help her most of his life. He worked for the position to head GOTT solely for it letting him help and protect her.
Mercredi (French for Wednesday) - GU ES Member, 13, partner and lover of Armbrust. Special ability: "Inside". (Also known as "Pfeilspitze" (German for arrowhead)).
Mercredi used to be the secretary for Eclipse until the attack on the GOTT building on Aineias, when she was listed as missing.
Vendredi (French for Friday) - 13, GOTT Secretary.
Vendredi replaced Mercredi as Eclipse's secretary.
Mrs Padushka (Russian for pillow) - GOTT SO-Member, Aineias.
Mrs Padushka married Gluck, and later had a child. She did not discover that Eclair was an ES Member until she left GOTT to raise a family.
Caprice (Italian name) - Waitress at Fleur's Caf�, Aineias.
Caprice is a good friend of Eclair, and tries to help her out when it appears that Eclair is in trouble.
Timothy Constance - Successor of the Rosenfeld Foundation, a faction of the Nobles.
Eclair and Lumiere helped Tim get his position as successor, and unlike the other Nobles, he often tries to work for the good of the people.
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