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I Also Hate Winry!!!!!
But it's still cute... :3
Wats wrong wif u guys? i think is cute!
if you hate her soo much do not even write at all you got it!!
i think winry is fine. i'd like to see her and ed hook up. reminds me of myself, terrified to tell the girl i like how i feel. (she like anime, draws awsum manga, fantasy, books, u name it, shes perfect)
OMG, how cute!!!! Anyone else hear about the FullMetal Alchemist movie???? PlZ email [email protected] if you wish to chat about it
omigod this pic is so cool and i like winry yes ed is hot and she takin my chances away but i respect her he he
i love winry! but hehe, i do get jealous sometimes. anyways, everyone has their own opinions, so why dont you shut up, fullmetallover.
but it does kinda look like hes a stalker....lol
I don't think he stalks her... Because theyr'e /good/ friends I guess they have pics of each other.... =|
 SIGH I love Ed as well but Him and Winry Deserve each other Their another couple that never gets to be ranks up there with Link never revealing his feelings for Zelda just like Ed. Link and Edward PLEASE talk more about these things!! That goes DOUBLE for Link(Since he never says a word.  )
I met the english voice actor for Ed... >.> It made me not like him so much. x.x
I love WinryXEdward they are so cute together and it's cute that ed fell asleep when ed was looking at pictures of Winry
Lol, even though the link thing is totally irelevant, I think that he should too!!! I think he's speach impared... But he can always give her flowers!!! =D
well if u read it says Full Metal Alchemist in love. u have to read its in the pic..people have thier opinions and i respect that. but omg! have u ever heard ed's-english voice acter in Real life..he is a fantastic singer!
Kawaii, I adore WinryXEd <3
My little Eddy Elric! So kawaii. EdxWin is a good pair
Aww kawaii~..grr..i still love my little pipsqueak~..even if he is a couple years older than me..and taller
edo-kun is TALLER than u...?!! wooowww............
Hai, ne he taller then me nya~ But I only 12 and 4'11 nya
Ren-chan omg what are you on about 'taking away my chances'? He's not real honey you wouldnt have a chance even if Winry didnt exist lol I dont mean to be nasty but you need to realise that you never have a chance with a drawing.
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