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OMG!!! sirus and snape!that's funny! yeah his parents are soooo kawaii!! so is hermione...is that ginny?
man thats cool. i don't even like HP that much,I which someone would do that with red dwarf(hint, hint) anime Rimmer and cat would be great!
they are soooo cute!!!!
Wow, great pic, all the chars are perfect to the book/movies. i love it ^_^
it's adorable! nice job! but who is that boy with the brown hair on the top row? lupin?
aw! i love it! sirius and snape! LMAO!!
I love it!~!!!!
Oooooo!!!!!!!!So kawaii!!!!!!
very adorable  but whos the ragamuffin near lily and james?
SOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!Whos that guy over by the side,in the green sweater  Kawaii!!!
Yup, I think that lupin... o.O It would be funny if mad eye moody was there too.. -eyes twitch- Ginny reminds me of Kisa(from fruits Basket). ^^ Dobby is scaring me... -holds sock- And which one is snape and which one is Sirius? @.@ Well, anyways, this pic is kawaii!!!
Lupin! Yay! Snape and Sirius... go Snape, you are the best!
KAWAII!!! Ginny, Hedwig, and Lupin are so CUTE!
Cute, kawaii, pretty!!! \^^/
OMG which one's Sirius? I'm guessing..the one on the right? >.<
i like the chibbiness...
I think Sirius is the one without the wavy-ish hair.
Hedwig's SOOO cute!
who's that person above on?...they all look kawaii <33
I'm pretty sure i figured out which one is Snape and which one is Sirius. Look at the hair, Snape has straight black hair, and Sirius had black wavy hair . Oh remember Snape never smiles unless it's an evil one!
THEY'RE SO ADORABLE!!!!!!!! (haha, Draco looks P.O.d) yeah, that's one way to tell the difference between Snape and Sirius. plus, if you look closely, Sirius has a casual shirt on and Snape's got a robe. so that's another way.
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