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naruto_sakura0017.jpg  naruto_sakura0598.jpg  naruto_sakura0002.jpg  naruto_sakura0038.jpg  naruto_sakura0015.jpg 
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Picture information
Album name:Haruno Sakura
Rating (44 votes):
File Size:67 KB
Dimensions:640 x 480 pixels
Displayed:165786 times
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wikkengirl [Aug 22, 2005 at 02:55 PM]
SCARY!!! Shocked
ayumi [Sep 04, 2005 at 06:21 AM]
wwwoooaaahhh!!!! Shocked
LP [Sep 07, 2005 at 07:01 PM]
Poor naruto
dark_chii222 [Dec 27, 2005 at 01:00 AM]
grim_reaper_desu [Dec 28, 2005 at 05:05 PM]
aw, I missed *reloads basooka*
AnimeScooterpiePrincess [Dec 30, 2005 at 08:39 PM]
Oh, shut up lone_aurora_wolf!! Sakura is not...what chu said!!
Black_And_White_AnimeGirl [Dec 31, 2005 at 12:32 PM]
Try to get her in the head this time grim_reaper_desu!
Mrs.Uchiha [Jan 02, 2006 at 10:34 AM]
weirdo.Although i dont blame her naruto kissing sasuke.Unreal Shocked Exclamation
dark_chii222 [Jan 02, 2006 at 03:01 PM]
to grim_reaper_desu and Black_And_White_AnimeGirl: hey,I have ultimate weapons you can fire at her!would you like one?*aims at sakura's huge head* ...the ugly! to AnimeScooterpiePrincess: please don't tell my friend to shut up!
Mrs.Uchiha [Jan 04, 2006 at 09:15 AM]
does anyone else think this pic is wierd Question
Black_And_White_AnimeGirl [Jan 04, 2006 at 09:12 PM]
to dark_chii222: Shure! I'll take something that I can blow her up with!!
dark_chii222 [Jan 06, 2006 at 02:51 PM]
yay!*give weapon to Black_And_White_AnimeGirl*don't look at it's face though!
Black_And_White_AnimeGirl [Jan 07, 2006 at 06:34 PM]
I won't! The ugly will Kill me if I do!*closes eyes* *aimes at least trys to* Fire!*opens eyes* Dang!! I mised...Oh no! The ulgy! It buuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrns! *falls down and starts flailing around* Help me some body please help me!*stops flailing* **Hint: I'm dieing**
SakuraHaruno0 [Jan 11, 2006 at 07:24 PM]
Black_And_White_AnimeGirl [Jan 14, 2006 at 06:35 PM]
*shivers* (thinks in head:Is SakuraHaruno0 stupid...or gay? I can't tell!!)*starts breathing* I'm alive!! I'M ALIVE!!
CobaltAngel [Jan 15, 2006 at 10:23 PM]
Laiyo [Jan 24, 2006 at 07:49 PM]
Tee-hee, I don't know Spanish, but I understand what you said!! xP Something about "in the eternal flames of hell"... Guys, please don't fight over Sakura. I'm mean, come on... she's just Sakura. She doesn't even do anything much... fawns over Sasuke mostly. G-ah. Dark_chii222: If any comments annoy you, just ignore them or laugh at them - swearing only makes -you- more upset. Don't take them too seriously. Making fun of them will make you feel -much- better than swearing. Trust me. ^_^
oslapedo [Jan 26, 2006 at 02:23 AM]
Very well put Laiyo. i presonally hate Sakura and think she is a stupid ho, but im not goin to fight about it. I mean really. Your fighting over SAKURA. Come on. However I totallty agree with the shooting her head off with a bazooka. if she just... died half way through the series i dont think anyone would care. actually the series would get a hell of a lot better Very Happy
yukari1120 [Jan 27, 2006 at 10:07 PM]
I think so too I think she sould burn in hell
Naruto556 [Jan 27, 2006 at 10:12 PM]
shes just shocked because she just figured out she sucks Laughing
yukari1120 [Jan 27, 2006 at 10:14 PM]
_allismine_ [Apr 18, 2006 at 12:42 AM]
Hey look every1!! Sakura has nuclear farts! XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
rock_lee_iz_super_sexy [Jun 05, 2006 at 01:03 PM]
it is my turn!!! i must eliminate the compition for Lee-san's heart!! kinoryu no jitsu! RRRRHHAHAAAA!! ULTIMATE OBLIVION METEOR FIRE BLAST!!! PIKFRRRAHHH Mad
sakura angel ^_^ [Jul 20, 2006 at 02:18 PM]
rock_lee_is_super_sexy.........your insane *just want to start a fight* uh oh i got to go...sorry salmontostado...
sakura angel ^_^ [Aug 02, 2006 at 08:19 PM]
WOO CANON_FAN!!!!!WOO CBALT ANGEL!!! (i kno wat u said cuz i speak spanish) Wink oh and also:sakura haters are bakas! (that is japanese 4 idiot) trilingual! =^_^=
yukari112 [Aug 03, 2006 at 12:36 AM]
We all know what baka means but i bet you don't know what su ba ta means!
sakura angel ^_^ [Aug 03, 2006 at 12:49 PM]
........uh.....4get about wat i said.....-_-..i bet u dont now wat i just said:yo no se pero tu no sabe que yo estoy disiendo,i tu eres un estupido.xp... soo...wat does it mean?
yukari112 [Aug 03, 2006 at 01:12 PM]
don't speak spanish
Uzumaki Naruto123 [Aug 04, 2006 at 05:56 PM]
sakura is sooooo hot wen shes angry Very Happy
sakura angel ^_^ [Aug 05, 2006 at 01:16 PM]
i im only learning japanese...wat does it mean?
Sasuke_Gaara_Neji_Girl [Aug 15, 2006 at 09:47 PM]
KA KA KA KA BOOM!!!! u all need to chill w/the character bashing.....i actually like sakura well NOT in that way cuz im a girl but u know what i mean.....yeah thank u sakura angel ^_^ i am learning japanese too and i dont know what that says either!!!!
SailorStrawberry [Aug 18, 2006 at 10:49 PM]
Whoooo Sakura Needs A Break Shocked
sakura angel ^_^ [Aug 26, 2006 at 12:03 PM]
lol, ur welcome......4 wat?
youknowwho [Sep 12, 2006 at 06:59 PM]
Looks like bomb blasted behind her
Narutosgirl357 [Jan 17, 2007 at 09:48 PM]
o o o sakura angel ^_^ i no what que is lol it means "what" Very Happy
Nejis_Gurl_XD [Jan 27, 2007 at 08:09 PM]
甘い 愛らしい
Alone hope206885 [Apr 01, 2007 at 09:21 PM]
Oh Sakura angel^-^ thats Spanish and she said you dont know what she said and that your stupid Cool
~Shredded Spirit~ [Apr 10, 2007 at 08:29 PM]
Nejis_Gurl_XD, you live in Japan, right? (LUCKY!! XD) so your keyboard has Japanese characters/letters on it?^^ HI Alone hope!!^^
Alone hope206885 [Apr 14, 2007 at 10:58 AM]
Oh hi ~Shredded Spirit~! Very Happy im so happy you, Talee,and Drake make me feel sooo welcomed! Thank you all! soo much!!
Talee Hyro [Apr 14, 2007 at 11:03 AM]
^^ I'm glad you feel so well, Alone hope. Hi you two.
Alone hope206885 [Apr 15, 2007 at 06:46 PM]
^u^ Im glad their are good people like you here Very Happy
Talee Hyro [Apr 15, 2007 at 06:53 PM]
^^ It's always nice to find new kind hearted people here.
Alone hope206885 [Apr 18, 2007 at 09:00 PM]
It is nice^u^have a nice day Very Happy
Devilwolf [Apr 28, 2007 at 09:18 AM]
an atom bomb went off behind herand shes like, "WTF WAS THAT?"
_kiba_kakashi_ [Apr 28, 2007 at 07:48 PM]
Devilwolf [Apr 29, 2007 at 09:59 AM]
she is too stupid to realize
hinaruta [May 03, 2007 at 05:57 PM]
she ugly
sasukeam94 [Jun 12, 2007 at 12:41 PM]
only here she is.... she not ugly theres ugly pics of every person of naruto somewhere and this is one of sakura.
gaara_ai666foxdemonqueen [Jul 19, 2007 at 11:53 AM]
Heh heh. Saku-chan, you're so closed-minded. Me, I wish there would've been some tongue involved on that one. I'm a total Jiraiya when it comes to yaoi! Razz
SakuraHarunoFan5 [Aug 13, 2007 at 12:25 PM]
um okay ^^; *at everybody's ranting about how ugly she is* I saw this episode and it was funny
Alonehope206885 [Nov 13, 2007 at 08:35 PM]
yeah Im okay
kari121 [Dec 02, 2007 at 12:33 AM]
sakura is not ugly she is pretty and superNarutotaku1292 i don't like ino either. i agree about the eyebrow thing.
tenshi.uve [Feb 04, 2008 at 04:49 AM]
Rolling Eyes whats wrong with Ino . . . Mad
kagome and Sakura Rule [Feb 04, 2008 at 11:23 AM]
To be honest Ino is realy anoying.She's even more anoying than Sakura used to be.All I've seen her do is whine,and complain. Razz
tenshi.uve [Mar 15, 2008 at 05:18 PM]
ino doesnt whine,and complain. thats sakura
Suzuka-chan [Mar 15, 2008 at 05:19 PM]
kagome and Sakura Rule [Mar 15, 2008 at 05:35 PM]
Sakura does'nt complain anymore,and Ino complains to Choji,and Shikamaru all the time. Wink
Suzuka-chan [Mar 15, 2008 at 05:36 PM]
yeah, such a drama queen
kagome and Sakura Rule [Mar 15, 2008 at 05:38 PM]
Ino just last weekend was complaining about her face getting swollen. Wink
tenshi.uve [Mar 15, 2008 at 05:48 PM]
not in my opinion. you got to renember ino-fan not a saku-fan
kagome and Sakura Rule [Mar 15, 2008 at 06:00 PM]
I know,I made a new Terra video today. Wink
ShinoNaru/ItaSasu 4 ever [Apr 23, 2008 at 08:23 PM]
OK SAKURA FANS!! i had it! im gonna flame her because you guys seem its ok to flame ino and her fans but get angry when someone ssay shes ugly! And Shes is Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad
sakura5207 [Apr 23, 2008 at 08:34 PM]
ShinoNaru/ItaSasu 4 ever [Apr 23, 2008 at 08:37 PM]
*bad mood*
sakura5207 [Apr 23, 2008 at 09:06 PM]
*gives u a cupcake*
TeenKawaii12 [May 30, 2008 at 05:23 AM]
Everyone! stop blame about saku. if you have favorite character, people will blame your, too. Why do you comment about mean her. if I see you mean to her. I'll REPORT ON YOU, Sakura-hater-fans.
ericauchihasan [Jun 07, 2008 at 07:29 AM]
"aaaaahhhhhhh no sasuke cant be gay!" sakura says
ShinoNaru/ItaSasu 4 ever [Jun 07, 2008 at 01:11 PM]
I STRONGLY DISLIKE SAKURA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing And i just drew a pic of karin killing her !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Question
lippytippy [Jun 08, 2008 at 01:05 PM]
I remember when I used 2 hate Sakura...
Suzuka-chan [Jun 08, 2008 at 01:06 PM]
can u look At my stuff?
kagome and Sakura Rule [Jun 08, 2008 at 01:07 PM]
I never hated her. Very Happy
ShinoNaru/ItaSasu 4 ever [Jun 08, 2008 at 01:13 PM]
I renember i used to like her and then came ino and the internet
lippytippy [Jun 08, 2008 at 01:22 PM]
To Suzu=Sure! To SN/IS= I hated her cause she was a bitch and was so annoying
kagome and Sakura Rule [Jun 08, 2008 at 01:27 PM]
She was a bit boy crazy until the chunnin exam.Sakura is amazing now in shippuuden. Very Happy
lippytippy [Jun 08, 2008 at 01:32 PM]
I do LIKE sakura but i still find her annoying....
ShinoNaru/ItaSasu 4 ever [Jun 08, 2008 at 03:04 PM]
Mabey to you but to me I still find her weak and useless Rolling Eyes
lippytippy [Jun 08, 2008 at 04:00 PM]
I remember draw pics of Sakura's head cut off.....LOL! Laughing Razz Smile
fire182 [Jun 11, 2008 at 02:05 AM]
okay people calm down ! if you dont like sakura dont go to her albums that just pisses off the people who do like and you start a big fight over nothing personall I dont care because my figuring is its a cartoon we all have are opinions so dont worry bout it kay
Shi_Is_Death [Nov 23, 2008 at 03:06 AM]
what a funny pic^^
SushiChan [Mar 19, 2011 at 12:39 AM]
That's a nice picture you got there
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