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Awwwww sakura and li i have been lookin for a pic like this to draw of them
This is soooooooooooooooooo cute...=3
I'm gonna draw them too
i've seen this pic in so many places but never noticed they were sakura and li cuz they're different! anyways, it is cute
AWWWWWW so cute!!!!!!
i never find any good pic lke these anywhere  but i'm glad i found some
They look diferent..but soooooooo cute!!
They're like tamahome and miaka! Always kissing! Yuk!
it's more like... karekano...
this is the cutest pic eva!
Sakura and Syaoran 4eva! soooo romantic!
So Romantic~!!!
They SO belong together.
2nd the motion to hidden_golden_eyes  but i think they're not Sakura and Syaoran..juz opinion!!
it's not real sakura n li but any way i wish my future bf will be this sweet any one think likes me??!!
yo....girlz you are wrong it's fan art that's why it looks different but it's plan to see this is li and sakura
Yeah, It does look like fanart...
i love sakura and li together!
sooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!1
They sooo KAWAII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It looks like Sakura and Yukito who're kissing. . .the guy doesn't look anything like Syaoran. . .
They're so cute! Sakura and Li Forever!
hey i've been looking 4 this pic.to draw them,hey im a good artist!
OMG! This pic is soOoOoOoOo ADORABLE!!
So KAWWAII !!! There so cute and there kissing  !!!!!!!!!!!
so cute and kawaii!! aww... they are totally made for each other!
 Kawaiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!  and so romantic!!!!!!!!!!
That's so romantic!!! kawaii!!! I love it cause my name is sakura!
I am so Sakura right now...
I wish I was Sakura ain that picture..... wait did I say that aloud?!
love is in the air
omg another gooooooooood fanart dam this 1 soooooooooooooooooooooo cute n adorable
OMG, a picture of them kissing!! First time i've seen it! Even if it is fanart!
uhmm, is that really li..? he looks like yukito for me.. aww, heck! kakilig!!
looks like it's from tsubasa reservior chronicle to me. *shrugs* but it's still cute
no. its definitely fanart. they havent kissed at all in the whole manga/anime series, including movie 1 and 2. TRC? TRC's style is different.
Yeah, the dude kind of does look a bit like Yukito
Wow.... I've seen many CCS moments, but NEVER one like this....until now. This is truly amazing...
amazing i've never seen a ccs pic like that shame its fan art though
U"R MY FAV. go 4 it SAKURA
KAWAII!!!! even if it is fanart, its daggone GOOD fanart!!!! (unlike some fanart ive seen...>___<) ME GUSTA!!! wait a minute...how could syaoran NOT be blushing at a time like this????? lol
its so cute they belong together
I LOVE IT!!!!!!! SUPER (...) <3
beautiful fan art.. why are they dirtty?
I dont' want to rain on the parade, but THIS ISN'T A CCS PICTURE!! It's an image taken from a game called 'Private Nurse' (you can guess what type of game, right?). The girl's called Ayano Miyamori and the guy's named Hiroki.
ur funny anime_luvah17!!!!!!!!!!! ditto on the boo-yah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'M TO YOUNG TO SEE THIS!!!!!!!!!mommy!!
he....346578x, i like see this picture but isn't a sakura & syaoran's picture. kenapa musti begitu,,,
Li's hair is almost green!!!
they are such asweet couple
i'd have to agree with Ohhileo. this can't be from CCS.  they look like they're in their 20's
awww...  soooo sweeet
they dun looks like sakura and syaoran and it does not looks like a fanart too
Wow great fanart!!
Am i blind or that picture is too strong to look at, i have been searching for very long,
I wonder if there are anymore similar pictures http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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