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More nude Kaname!
You are sick
yeah. grow up.
Heh heh u moaners r funny  it's only a pic
Hmm....i wonder if there are any decent people commenting on my pictures �_�
sick people yall need a life k k u people are probaly nerds
ok, it's really annoying when chicks think they're these anime girls, it makes me mad the most.
yall gurls need 2 stop hating if tha boys like it they like it
I don't mind roleplayers... But I doubt this is the right website.. xP Anyways.. some of you do need to act a little more mature.. Both male and female.. Not all people that look at pics like these are nerds.. but some do need to learn how to spell... xP Chatspeak is ok, but mostly everyone overuses it..
It is more fun to think of her as Kaname, not some one who pretends to be. So...she is Kaname to me!
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