33.jpg 500x375(25KB) Naruto - Sakura Crying-3392 viewsAnother Nakushita Kotoba screencap... poor Sakura... T_T
animals.png 496x1950(84KB) Naruto Animals(?)-4977 views"Databayoomglolz????!!!!!111" XD
group_1024x768.jpg 1024x768(261KB) Naruto - A Rooftop Snack?-3785 viewsThis picture is so cute!
Naruto has a tea-kettle and a giant rice-dish, Sakura has a Bento box and Sasuke has a Japanese guitar. ^_^
kiddies.jpg 640x480(36KB) Naruto - Konohamaru Ninja Squad-2634 viewsThey may be annoying, but ya gotta love the Konohamaru Ninja Squad! XD
nakushita_kotoba.jpg 640x480(22KB) Naruto - Nakushita Kotoba-6631 viewsA Screencap from the 9th Naruto ending Nakushita Kotoba by No Regret Life. And, it may not seem like it, but to me it's a NaruSaku. (if you think otherwise, then KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!!!)
nosebleedcoverup.JPG 640x480(19KB) Naruto - Sasuke's Nosebleed-5341 viewsA pic from my very random SasuNaru vid at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBB2M9-frMc I hope it's okay! (No flames!)
Sasuke: ...Idiot.
remember1.jpg 320x240(25KB) Naruto - Re:Member Scrrencap-11467 viewsA screencap from the 8th Naruto intro Re:Member by FLOW.
remembersakura.jpg 320x240(19KB) Naruto - Sakura Re:Member screencap-5983 viewsA screencap of Sakura from the 8th opening Re:Member. I love the background. ^_^
Sasuke Sexy Jutsu2.JPG 461x337(20KB) Naruto - Sasuke's Sexy Jutsu (Without Sharingan)-58719 viewsI picture I made in MS Paint that took me FOUR FREAKING HOURS. DONT LIKE, DONT COMMENT!! It's sorta meant to be an ItaSasu...
Sasuke Sexy Jutsu3.JPG 462x337(21KB) Naruto - Sasuke's Sexy Jutsu (With Sharingan)-80588 viewsI picture I made in MS Paint that took me FOUR FREAKING HOURS. DONT LIKE, DONT COMMENT!! It's sorta meant to be an ItaSasu...
sasukeitachi1.jpg 351x443(19KB) Naruto - Itachi and Sasuke-16811 views...so close... *_*
Sasukes_Revenge.JPG 462x337(25KB) Naruto - Sasuke's Revenge Against Itachi-101525 viewsSomething I came up with for no reason. XD And yes, it is ItaSasu AKA Uchihacest and ItachiXSasuke. DONT LIKE, DONT COMMENT!!!
Sasuke_Hiatus.JPG 640x390(28KB) Naruto - Sasuke Hiatus-23513 viewsA quick hiatus sign I made in 60 seconds. (lol, I should've just put "We're bounded and gagged at the moment..." XD) PLEASE ASK TO USE AND GIVE CREDIT TO ME IF YOU DO!!
wind.jpg 640x480(45KB) Naruto - Wind screencap-5769 viewsA screencap from the 1st Naruto ending, Wind.
wind2.jpg 640x480(43KB) Naruto - Friends-5753 viewsAnother Wind screencap, with Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura.