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^.^-6531 viewsoh i just luv him! he came out so cute! *huggles him* oh yeah right ehehe! this is bambi!

Quartz: hahaha thats a chicks name!

shut up quartz and way he is from watterfall oddley enough tho he is a pyro and a fire starter he came to SOng country for a ninja convetion ^^ he he was giving a speech ^^ he is 15 about 5'6 or 5'7 and he can fight with a skate bored O_o
your mine.jpg

your mine.jpg
your mine-2079 viewsMika nd Akutama say this at the same time while thinking about the other, their bitter rivals but they have never reall met one another Akutama has taken over Hanage's body and his making him to Aweful things, AKutama has started a war between the akatsuki the dragon taimers and the seikaheika of song country. mika is furious that he would mess with her country and her home, but more importantly her friends.4 comments

you can't take me!-3333 viewsQuartz: come on pretty boy i bet you can't even get my shirt dirty in a fight!

Bambi: your right you'ld out cold before it get the chance to

Quartz: you talk big for chick!

Bambi: *growls* it's just a name! it can be fora guy or girl!

Quartz: whatever *rolls eys*

Bambi: *gets into fighting stance* i swear to gawd you better shut up because i KNOW you can't take me
!!@Taiseki Hyuga.jpg

!!@Taiseki Hyuga.jpg
Taiseki-7303 viewsTaiseki Hyuuga ^^ wee he was fun to edit i am so much more creative when it come to guys O_o

I tooks sasuke's head and neji's body XD to make him

spy-3326 viewscleo is being a spy for the seikaheika thye need info from the akatsuki so she's pretending to be an rounge ninja who is pretending to be a suna villager who is really working for the akatsuki. cleaver girl isn't she!

Temari (c) Kishi

She's back and she's ^^-2670 viewsand she's out for blood Mikasame ^^ (mika) i missed editing her! so she's back *huggles her*

Saber-6599 views*drools , quartz hots me in the back of the head* oh ehehe sorry ^^' e rthis is saaaaaaaber *dazed/out of daze* he's bambi's brother, he is 15, from konoha (moved in with his father), he is fairly strong and really smart ^^ he gets over protective of his friends and brother. BUT he can be a bit vain some times and selfish.....and rude (even when he doesn't mean to be) also he can be a bit blunt!38 comments

Ryukoro Tenshi-3741 viewsShe's a demon Owned by the Akastuki this is her true form but she doesn't take it on much10 comments

Nuada-3326 viewsher GRRRRRRRRRRR face ^w^3 comments

Nuada-7044 viewsNuada ( new ah da) really don't care what it meand becaus ei don't know what it means but it sounds pretty ^^ I just luv her took! she is 19, and is a smart mouth at times she is Bambi's Sensei the rest of his team moved so it's just the two of them untile they find more students ^^27 comments

Nuada-2298 viewsShe ain't into wine and roses
Beer just makes her turn up her nose
And, she can't stand the thought of sippin' champagne
No Cuervo Gold Margaritas
Just ain't enough good burn in taquilla
She needs somethin' with a little more edge and a little more pain
She's a little whiskey Girl
A Ragged-on-the-edges girl
Ah, but Guys like 'em rough

XD i'm into all diffrent kinds of music country isn't my thing unless it's got funny lyrics anyway these lyrics kinda give you a small look of Nuada's adittude ^^

my new wallpaper-3527 views^^ also has to do with the war between the dragon taimers, the Akatsuki and seikaheika ^^1 comments

Mikasame-6204 viewsShe's gotta new look what do you think?18 comments

mika's eye-2984 viewsit just her eye up close
Luky star mika deidara sasori and itachi.jpg

Luky star mika deidara sasori and itachi.jpg
Lucky star mika-4111 viewsMikasame lucky star version

^^ orig picture of sakura was done by Akemi-chan ( ~♥FireDragonKunoichi♥~ ) so give credit to her

also i give credit to whoever made the picture i used for the background as well!

Izumren-3013 viewsIzumren or Izu-chan is a Lee fan girl she does try to look exsactly like him but she took on some colors from his style also she only uses Taijutsu even though she can use the others. she is not very strong so for now she only wears one weight on one arm she may change which arm to put it on.

Izumren (c) me/ ♫_onyx_♫
Sakura (c) Kishi

Izumren-2515 viewsShe's havening a moment here XD oyu know fangirl I'm gonna make lee-kun proud thing anway she's also pissed because sakura turned him down for the billionth time

Sakura (c) kishi

Izumren (c) me/ ♫_Onyx_♫

Ivori-3323 viewsIvori (like Ivory) is a suna nin she's 14 very calm, acts older thank she is. she likes forest, probably because of all the sand in suna. i am very happy with hoe she came out O_O took my and oober long time though XD6 comments
bad edit.jpg

bad edit.jpg
ick-2746 viewshorible edit of saber O_o but oh well >_< he's a main rpc now but i tell ya he is a pain in the butt to edit6 comments

Hollow-3418 viewshe is one of the others XD their not normal and each have a diffrent ability hollow here can make himself transparent13 comments
26 pictures on 2 page(s) 1

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